Dronika Bhandari

I am Dronika Bhandari, a Fashion and Event Photographer from India. I also run my own business in wedding and commercial photography. I hope enlarge my business in the future. I came to Nottingham to pursue my masters and am doing my MA in Photography here: my project work is all about bodies, looking at how society ignores/discriminates against ‘negative’ bodies. “Redefining Beauty: A Journey Through Body Diversity. This transformative research project delves into the rich tapestry of body diversity, challenging societal norms and redefining conventional beauty standards. By collaborating with individuals who possess a variety of body shapes and physical features, we seek to amplify voices that have been silenced by societal expectations. My participants have all been on personal journeys navigating their appearances and associated anxieties. In our work together, their unique attributes are portrayed not as flaws, but as powerful symbols of self-acceptance and pride.