Shraddha Dinesh Bagrodia

Based in Nottingham, I am a Fashion Photographer interested in documentary and portrait photography who seeks to capture the sitter’s essence. “विवह्” (Vivāh) is derived from the Sanskrit word for “marriage.” A traditional Indian rite symbolizing the union and togetherness of women and men. The project is an exploration of the lived experiences and emotional landscapes of individuals navigating their personal marital journeys. The work captures series of diverse marriages across cultures, ages and those who have experienced divorce. It highlights love and the journey of growing gracefully, and mindfully. Through a collaborative approach sitters present themselves in their own environment without stylisation. “Vivāh” visually expresses the deep affection and bond shared by partners as they navigate life together. It shows the beauty of their unique paths, emphasising the individuality of each marriage while celebrating the universal theme of love, companionship and mutual growth.