Brown Amakubukuro

Hi, my name is Brown. I am an artist and an MA Illustration graduate passionate about creating impactful and meaningful art. I love working in digital and traditional mediums, starting my journey as a conventional painter and expanding into 3D art and animation. My dream is to own an art school where I can coach artists to be the best version of themselves, creating a positive impact in the world with their art, and remaining true to themselves. My recent project, ‘Tales of Our Forefathers’, aims to educate young Nigerian adults about the beliefs and origins of Nigerians and humanity according to folklore passed down by our ancestors. For this project, I used charcoal, ink, and watercolour before composing and animating the pieces digitally. The animation is presented in augmented reality and can be viewed by scanning the poster artwork (the image with the typography) using the Artivive app.