Hayley Hannaford
My work consists of figurative oil paintings deriving from encounters, and memories of solo travel. They memorialize the landscape, transcribing an appreciation of the natural world as the result of a sustained exploration of my experiences. Small observations and phenomena from hiking, camping and life within the natural world became the basis for my works, which over time become a haze memories and daydreams. The fragmented effect my paintings take on is important as it reflects a world of intimate details rendered from my collection of images- flowers trailing down the wall of a house, the colour of the sky after sunset. The paint is applied in thin washes from which details of glowing lights and intricate flora emerge, flowing into forests and shimmering waves. Whilst exhibiting at Surface Gallery, I discovered my love of creating work to exhibit and the process of putting together a show. This is something I will continue to pursue after graduating.
BA (Hons) Fine Art