Amelia Field

I surround myself with the sensory experience of creating- the qualities of the materials, the way they feel in my hands, how they sound, how they catch the light or how they move and flow, I find myself drawn to materials with opposing connotations, fascinated with the contrasts I find there. This manifests in an impulsive need to attach things together- using knots and twists, looping threads into other threads to generate fabric, knitting, crochet, rhythmic repetitive actions that are sometimes soothing and sometimes frantic. This sense of movement recurs throughout my installations which depict these processes in a frozen state, on the verge of becoming something more, or conversely, ready to crumble to nothing. I explore this fragility further by making loose, unsuccessful connections, failed knots and separations, testing the tensions within and between my sculptures by applying forces to create a sense of anticipation.