Yooree Choi is an artist, textile designer, and happiness finder based in South Korea and the UK. She creates colourful and lively works in her style through various materials, techniques and colours. ‘Enjoy & Explore: Playful Sensory Adventure’ is an interactive sensory sculpture. This sculpture invites the audience to enjoy four moods (relaxed, cosy, cheerful and festive) and recreate the sculpture with detachable mood pieces. The audience can experience joy and comfort through the interaction.
The audience can enjoy this work with their visual, tactile, and olfactory senses. They can feel the visual tactility through the patterns of digital collages, with various materials and maximise the mood of the sculpture by smelling the scent of textile pieces. This project is designed for the audience to complete the work. They can express their imagination by combining the pieces. This sculpture creates a healthy communication society by interacting between the audience and the artist.