Rae Akinbo

Through my BA (Hons) Fashion Knitwear Design and Knitted Textiles degree, past internship and general love of fashion, I’ve learned that I have a strong affinity towards colours and use of colours as well as a love for tactile, playful exploration through knit and mixed media. Through my concept Skin (for my final major project), I was able to lean heavily into colour exploration as well as experiment with sustainable natural processes like natural dyeing and working with bioplastic. For this project I was both inspired by skin as an organ and the different elements within skin that allowed it to be so malleable but structured. My concept focused on four main elements of the skin: Skin As A Structure, Skin As Skincare Products, Skin As Melanin and lastly Skin As Sensory. My concept led me to have an investigative approach in the ways I explored different possibilities and material combinations with knit. I’m very interested in continuing to explore sustainable and innovative options within fashion and knitwear.