Olivia Hodson

I am Olivia Hodson and I have studied BA (Hons) Fashion Design at Nottingham Trent University. Within my Final Major Project, I have designed a product range accommodating the needs of people with cancer, inspired by my own experience with Hodgkins Lymphoma. This range can be worn by anyone, but has design features that are useful for people going through cancer treatment, and help maintain comfort and dignity. I have focused on practicality, as well as considering changing feelings of identity experienced by the user. My colour palette, patterns and silhouettes are primarily inspired by coral jewellery, which has been believed to ward off illness. Additionally, I have created a Product Guide and a Beginners Guide to Designing Clothing for People with Cancer to accompany my garments. I have used the principles of Universal Design within my work and feel very passionately about Human Centred Design. I enjoy problem solving and creating items that help improve people’s lives.