Milca Panda

As an upcoming graduate, I can say that my time on FCP has given me endless opportunities to go beyond the borders of just existing as a creative, but stepping into a way of working that pushes the boundaries that goes beyond a label. My projects have stretched me to create a range of work - from visual reports, to zines, short films and more. One of my favourites being my zine "Is That Your Real Hair" which was a visually driven conversation surrounding black beauty, culture and representation within the media. Despite this being a more challenging project to complete, I was encouraged to submit my work as part of Creative Changemakers 2023. This was a very bold step, however, I am so grateful to know that someone can admire my work. I am very ambitious about black and ethnic minorities in the creative space. I hope to establish a black owned agency specialising in bringing people of colour at the forefront and assist them in taking up space where they can redefine common narratives.