Mia Cacioppo-Cohen

My work encapsulates feelings of the home and my memories. This is the first time I have used personal memories within my practice. My Italian Grandparents (Nonni) have always made elaborate dinners for special occasions; the Italian crockery with clashing colours and visible brush strokes always interested me. The hand painted decoration presents and frames the food with pride. I wanted to capture this in the form of miniature scale as my memories and feelings when sharing a family meal is in a familiar setting. It feels safe, so if this were to be of normal scale it would lose the personal feel, it would make it too obvious. I am not trying to actually invite the audience into my house, just to give an impression of what it is like. The used plates and pots show the end of a family meal. An air of chaos is spread across the table as any large dinner party would. I have added small details to allow the audience to experience a gradual appreciation for subtle elements in my work.