Lottie Baxter

A passionate, Nottingham-based creative, devoted to innovating a kinder future using inspiration from the past.” I’ve always appreciated beautiful boutiques and playing dress up, and for as long as I can remember, Sunday’s have been reserved for bargaining at car boot sales and days off are spent charity shopping. At 16, I managed to turn this into a business, Love at First Sight Vintage, that paid enough for me to quit my minimum wage job, and I’ve continued to grow this throughout my time at university. In my three years studying BA (Hons) Fashion Communication & Promotion, I’ve worked with clients such as TSPTR, All We Are and Andrew Logan, and I’ve completed a range of independent and collaborative projects across the fashion industry and its surrounding landscape. I’m excited to embark on new challenges and opportunities to develop my creative and professional expertise and I’m optimistic about putting all my learning into practice to inspire positive change.