Lily Keogh

I am a BA Illustration graduate, specialising in commercial illustration and graphic design. Using satire and wit, I challenge social norms and communicate feminist messages through my creative practice. I strive for my illustrative world to provide a safe space for people to learn, scattering my artwork with profanity and tongue in cheek tone with help from my alter ego Lilith, who gives me the audacity to create ambitiously. I am most interested in engaging with projects that surround advertising, packaging design, and campaigning from a socially aware perspective and to enforce positive impact on the world. My installation exhibition ‘Dirty Dogz’ explores the effect of sexual harassment in public spaces, especially in bars and pubs. I won the Special Commendation prize at the NTU Changemaker’s Competiton this year, and I plan on taking the exhibition to pubs in Nottingham. I am excited for what the future holds post graduation!