Layla Mazer

Hello! I'm Layla Mazer! I am a third year BA (Hons) Animation student who specialises in 3D Character Animation. Prior to joining Nottingham Trent University, I knew I'd be an animator. I came to NTU's animation course to both strengthen my skills and knowledge of 3D animation. Furthermore, I wanted to strengthen my skills even more outside of university, which lead me to take external mentorships and masterclasses that improved my work massively. One of my second year projects is currently used by the NHS, which we were subsequently interviewed about on local television. During my final year, I have honed my animation skills by assisting my classmates in their own projects while concurrently creating my own personal pieces. I am extremely passionate about my work and the impact my animations create. My current goal is to get my foot in the industry as a character animator working on feature films in renowned studios.