Jiashun Pan

For most people, life resembles a game setting in which we are not the main characters. Based on this premise, my Final Major Project (FMP) explores the notion of whether we are merely “NPCs in a game on Earth”, questioning the reality of our world. Inspired by this concept, I have juxtaposed game glitches with Google glitches to highlight various professional outfits ‘stuck in a bug’. On Google Maps, people in the 3D panorama often appear as if they are moulded characters, with parts of their bodies distorted, disappearing, or spliced with others. I have extracted many interesting models of glitched clothing from this and applied them to the redesign of professional attire. My 2D work is rich in intriguing ideas and detailed illustrations, such as the multiple moving legs, which are a recurring theme in all the pants in this series. Therefore, I am confident in presenting a compelling collection.