Jenna Andrews

Hello! I'm Jenna, a final year BA (Hons) Graphic Design student specialising in branding, illustration and packaging. I have a passion for creating a brand story with vibrant colours and personality that brings a brand to life. In my three years at Nottingham Trent University, I have developed my skills through a range of projects such as album and book covers, campaigns, packaging, and branding. Since being at university, I have learnt to be confident in my decision making and that I have a passion for incorporating my illustrations throughout my design work to enhance a project and give it character. Illustrating and drawing have been a passion for me from an early age as well as gaming which has been a recent hobby for me. I had started streaming games online, which really helped my confidence as well as learning to brand myself, that made me understand the importance design and that the finer details can make a brand stand out.