Isobelle Farrar

I am Isobelle Farrar, a final year BA (Hons) Illustration student based in Nottingham. My practice looks to explore narratives and the reframing of narratives taking elements of the past and using them to inspire more contemporary work. My ‘IDENTITY’ project looks at the preconceived negative imagery we have within western society of older women and looks to use folklore to reframe and retell the narrative of an older woman's role in society. My final piece for this project ‘HAG’ uses textiles as a form of subversion with roots in feminism and female history reframing the image of older women and the word “hag” through the format of quilted banners. Combining digital illustrations printed on fabric with traditional sewing and quilting techniques I produced a set of six banners exploring this theme. After graduating I hope to continue exploring textiles within my practice and developing my narrative work within publishing, one day illustrating a children's picture book.