Isabel Madeline Muggridge

Conflicting Etiquette explores themes of rebellion through my commended maximalist approach to printed textiles. My high-end womenswear collection represents empowerment through; the unique union of contrasting themes/styles: Poster-girl Feminism and Opulence. My concept thrives of embracing individuality by breaking away from conventional norms, relating to whom presents themselves within society. The rebellious side of higher society served as my initial source of inspiration following watching Bridgeton. My prints explore the integration of intricate and expressive florals. Connotations of rebellion are translated through styling; and the trend under wear is outer wear. My collection allows for unique interpretation in the way one decides to style, following a variation of outcomes. From structural underwear and loungewear to layering sheer pieces. I’m excited to explore and widen my unique skills within the creative industry. Whether this be a stylist, buyer or textile designer.