Daniel Grenfell

I am a final year BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion student. With my work I strive to look outside the box always in search of alternative outcomes and processes. Currently I'm focusing on combatting contemporary issues such as waste, the climate crisis, societal norms and challenging the sugar-coated reality fed to us by typical media coverage. By questioning sustainable brands and even recycling itself, my project THERE IS PLASTIC IN MY BLOOD and mock agency PLASTIC ASPHYXIATION, hopes to bring together a strong community of like-minded individuals showcasing radical creativity, appreciation of nature and a “start from scratch” approach. We must consider these contemporary issues so that legitimate disruptive solutions such as waste prevention, rather than waste management, can be implemented to tackle issues at the core rather than treating symptoms. A call to abolish lobbying, no more corporate propaganda and no more manipulation! This will forage a much better trajectory for us all.