Charlotte Brennan

Hi! I'm Charlotte, a final-year BA (Hons) Graphic Design student specialising in branding and packaging design. For me, design isn't just about creating something aesthetically pleasing; it's about making something unique and leaving a lasting impression. My designs are heavily influenced by sustainability, and I focus on developing solutions that make a positive change in the environment. Starting with project one, the Creative Conscience brief was selected as a third-place winner of the #WhyVote competition. My submission focuses on having information all in one place with a box, designed as an 18th birthday present, that unravels to reveal information you need to know before you first vote. Project 2 is an all-natural hand cream for climbers to soothe their hands and repair them in between sessions on the wall. The third project is centred around encouraging women to drink Cider and releasing the stigma that it is perceived as a male drink. The Garden of Eden emphasises temptation.