Anna Lugar

Hiya! I'm Anna, a BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion student based in Nottingham, hailing from Lincolnshire. I focus on emotion-led analysis and design within communication and promotion, aiming to find deeper meaning in the media I consume. I operate best within the ideas and research stage, getting lost in curious exploration. My main areas of interest are in the craft beer industry, which captures my passion for creative innovation and storytelling. I am driven by my desire for authenticity, community, and connection, which keeps my work grounded. I have worked in the Nottingham craft beer scene for most of my time on this course and have fallen in love with the community and ethos at its core. It's a world built on shared passion and curiosity, that I feel is so representative of expansive culture and identity. I hope to find my place within this world where I can produce work true to my values and bring a fresh, forward-thinking perspective.