Andre Mena-Hebbert

I'm a Graphic designer with a background of media production. Though I am capable of performing both graphics and video based technical skill, I tend to enjoy illustration, motion graphics and 3D design the most. Having that background in media production allowed me to understand what it means to tell a story using visuals, which is a fundamental in the design field, and a goals that I always set for myself when tackling projects. My strongest skill is the ability to quickly adapt and overcome situations that fall onto me; which in turn allowed me to broaden my technical skills. In the future I aim to create designs that would be able to bring my community together to either fight a for a noble cause, create awareness to a topic, or sit back and appreciate the story in it. Though I may seem intimidating or uninterested on first glance, I'm very charismatic, and try to create a sense of family wherever I go, whilst considering with the respect of other personal spaces.