Alexandra Biggins

Inspired by the impermanence paradox: “The only constant is change”, my final project, “TOKENS OF THE EPHEMERAL”, explores the transient nature of existence. Using this collection, I seek out the evanescent beauty of the human experience through designs that encapsulate symbolism of change associated with teeth. Through the idea that losing your baby teeth and developing permanent teeth is the very first interaction with your adult self, I found an intersection of childhood and adulthood which provided an avenue to explore the growing pains and pleasures of our existence. I have taken inspiration from my Scandinavian heritage, which has influenced bold, armour-esque silhouettes and laser cutting details. I also created an imagined brand, BABYTEETH, as a platform to celebrate individual evolution. My ambitions for the future involve building expertise in traditional craftsmanship whilst embracing modern innovations that push boundaries of fashion, creating new tools for self-expression.