Natasha Barks
I am a final year BA (Hons) Fashion Knitwear student. My project focuses on soft, fluffy and padded garments inspired by dreamy, romantic interior spaces. During the making of my collection, I found that the technical processes were a passion of mine, which was highlighted by the finishing of the garments and knitting techniques used. The yarns used for the collection were entirely donated or second hand, which lends itself to maintaining a sustainable collection. After spending a week with the technical design team in the knitwear department at Paul Smith, I gained a greater knowledge of garment measuring, tech packs and prototype fittings. This assisted my own garment making process as I could relate my project to how it would be developed in industry, and I can absolutely see myself loving a job in a technical design department in the future.
BA (Hons) Fashion Knitwear Design & Knitted Textiles